A Discussion with Expert Michael Bone, PhD – PODCAST Episode 26

In this episode, we talk to J. Michael Bone, PhD, a parental alienation expert and consultant. Please visit www.naopas.com or www.drbobevans.com for more information on parental alienation and Dr. Evans. LISTEN NOW

Do You Know How Children Affected By Relationship Distress? – PODCAST Ep 25

A brief review of an article by Drs. Bernet, Wamboldt, and Narrow which presents a mental condition that is in the DSM-V-TR essentially describes Parental Alienation.  Please visit www.naopas.com or www.drbobevans.com for more information on parental alienation...

Did you know? APA Recognizes Parental Alienation – PODCAST Ep #24

Am. Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization recognizes Parental Alienation as being included in existing diagnoses and mental conditions. This episode reveals communications between the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) and the APA that...

Dehumanizing the Target Parent in Parental Alienation – PODCAST Ep #23

The stereotyping, name calling of the target parent gets very little attention in our litigation cases, but the research in this area suggests it’s a much bigger assault than is recognized.  This episode presents some of the social psychological research...

Parental Alienation Myths – PODCAST Ep. #22

This episode discusses some common myths about parental alienation that are commonly found in court rooms around America.  Please visit www.naopas.com or www.drbobevans.com for more information on parental alienation and Dr. Evans. LISTEN NOW