FROM COUCH TO COURTROOM & BEYOND: PODCAST EP. #9: Identification and Management of Alienation Cases

This episode explains the identification process of parental alienation cases and points out the pit falls frequently found in alienation cases, including the serious consequences of failing to properly identify such cases.  Also, don’t forget to go to...

FROM COUCH TO COURTROOM & BEYOND: PODCAST EP. #4: The Role of Attachment in Parental Alienation Cases

Attachment  or bonding is a critical process for humans. It determines how we interact with the world, not only as we develop into adults, but it plays a significant role in our ability to parent later on in life.  Listen Now Listen on Your Favorite Streaming...

FROM COUCH TO COURTROOM & BEYOND: PODCAST EP. #2: Research on False Memories

This episode discusses research on false memories.  Topic includes a case Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D. was involved in regarding the wrongful conviction of Steve Titus and how false memories contributed to his incarceration. Listen Now Listen on Your Favorite Streaming...